Frequently Asked Questions about Yoga Postures and Classes

Yoga can be overwhelming to both insiders and outsiders alike. There are so many details, poses, and nuances that it can be difficult, especially if you have a question on a pose or detail. Here are some questions and answers about yoga that get asked every day. I Hope you find it useful.

Q: How do I know if I’m doing a pose correctly?

A: Yoga is usually an individual sport. What I mean by that is that in yoga you go inside your mind or within yourself. So, each pose might look different for you than the person next to you. That’s fine and that’s what yoga is all about.

This means that if a pose hurts, you’re doing it wrong for you. Never do a pose that causes you pain – adjust yourself so it’s not painful or just do a different pose that feels good. Your body will tell you if you’re doing it correctly.

Q: I like some yoga poses better than others. Why is that?

A: Every time we step on the mat we are in a different place mentally. We’re never in the same exact mental space every time we step on the mat. When you’re in the posture, ask yourself, “why is this posture hard for me right now?” Sometimes it can be a stubborn emotion, an old injury, anxiety, or anything else.

Because yoga is heavily focused on the mental and physical, those elements combine and sometimes cause us stress. If the posture is too much, come out of it or modify it so it feels more comfortable. Be sure to breathe the entire time and soften around the area that’s causing discomfort or stress.

Q: It’s hard for me to concentrate on my yoga practice. How can I stop this?

A: Especially the first few times doing yoga, it may be hard to stop thinking about tasks you have to get done or other “busy” thoughts. This is very normal and is exactly what yoga helps combat. When you have one of these thoughts, just acknowledge it and let it go. Don’t get mad at yourself for having thoughts. Over the years we’ve been trained to be constantly thinking. Yoga is the place where you don’t have to think – just be in the moment.

Another great way to let thoughts go is to concentrate on your breathing. Take long, deep breaths over and over and focus on that breath. Besides giving you something to concentrate on, it gets more oxygen in your blood and brain which helps you relax.

Q: How do I know if I’m getting where I should be in yoga?

A: Yoga is not a destination you have to get to. There’s no advanced level you have to reach to attain a yoga goal. The benefits of yoga are a more relaxed, balanced, and calmed mind, body, and spirit. Don’t push yourself unless you want to. Each time you step onto your yoga mat, it will be a different experience. If one day you want to push yourself with yang postures and the next day you want to do a relaxing yin posture, that’s fine! Don’t overanalyze yoga, just be present and concentrate on your breathing to get all that yoga has to offer you.

Q: I always have to go to the bathroom in the middle of my yoga practice. How can I stop this?

A: There are a couple things you can do to lessen the need to go to the bathroom in the middle of your yoga practice. First, you can try lessening your liquid intake just before practicing yoga. Or you could just accept it and go to the bathroom while still focusing on your breathing to keep the “yoga buzz” going. No matter how you deal with this, be sure to always have water on hand so you’re not dehydrated. If you’re not getting enough water during your yoga practice, your body may not respond well. It’s better to take a bathroom break in your yoga practice than come away from it dehydrated.