Many children, when asked what superpower they want to have, emphatically shout, “Flight!” Wings have always held a special meaning to humans and symbolically remind us of freedom, purity, and magic. Mythical animals are often depicted with wings, as are many human-like creatures including angels and fairies. The yearning for wings has existed almost as long as humans have – we all remember the Greek story of Icarus and Daedalus.
While it doesn’t look like humans will be able to grow wings any time soon, you can still bring the spirit of flight into your life with a few yoga poses:
Starting in Mountain, bend your knees and shift your balance to the right foot. Lift the left leg and cross it over the right, hooking your left foot around your right calf. Next, hook the right arm under the left and bring your palms together. Hold this pose for up to a minute, release then switch sides.
Swan (also known as Mermaid)
From Downward Dog, lift your right leg into Three-Legged Dog then swing it forward between your hands. Bend the leg and lay it on the ground with your knee pointing towards the top corner of the mat and your heel aligned with your back left foot. Lower to the ground into Pigeon. Bend your left leg and bring the foot towards your body. Grab your foot and slide it into the crook of your left arm, then clasp your hands behind your head.
Step your feet out as wide as your mat and come into a squat. Keep your feet as close as possible while also separating your thighs so that your torso can fit in between. Set your hands to the mat on the inside of both feet and lean forward. Using your upper arms as a shelf, set your knees on them and lift off of your toes while continuing to lean forward. Your head should be lower than your bottom, big toes touching and heels drew up. Don’t let your feet drop or else you’ll slide off your elbows.
Bird of Paradise
Come into Warrior II with your left leg forward and bent, a right foot at a 45-degree angle. Clasp the left wrist with the right hand underneath your left thigh, palms facing up. Bring your feet hip distance apart and twist to the right. This will look like a forward fold, but your hands will be clasped around your left leg. Put your weight on your right foot, lift your torso, and bring your left foot off the ground. Slowly straighten it up, keeping your grip firm on your left wrist.
Start in a kneeling position and press your hands into the mat with your fingers pointing towards your body, thumbs out to the side. Touch the sides of your forearms together, lean forward, and rest your torso on your elbows and upper arms. Stretch your legs out straight behind you, lean forward slightly, and bring your toes off the mat. The more you practice, the higher you will be able to lift your lower body off the ground.